What Are Health Insurance Subsidies?

A subsidy is a type of financial assistance that helps people pay for something. In the health care world, subsidies are used to help individuals and families who don't have affordable access to health care pay for insurance coverage.

There are two types of subsidies: tax credits and tax deductions.

The difference between these two is that with a tax credit, your share of the cost doesn't change from month to month—you'll still owe the same amount each month even if it decreases or increases your taxes, whereas deductions change how much you owe in taxes each year based on how much you make and what type of deduction you're claiming.

Tax exemptions also reduce taxable income (the amount you're taxed on), but they're different from both credits and deductions because they don’t affect your tax liability (the amount owed) at all; instead, they allow taxpayers who already qualify for certain benefits to avoid paying back some portion of those benefits when filing their taxes every year.

What are the requirements for subsidies?

The requirements for subsidies vary from state to state. However, in general, you may be eligible for a subsidy if:

  • Your income is below a certain level

  • You're not eligible for Medicaid

  • You don't have access to affordable coverage through your employer

  • You're not currently enrolled in Medicare

If you think you may be eligible for a subsidy, contact your state's health insurance marketplace or the federal marketplace at Healthcare.gov to find out more.

How do my health insurance subsidies work?

  • Subsidies are paid directly to your insurer.

  • They’re paid monthly and can reduce your monthly premium by hundreds of dollars.

  • You can apply for subsidies on the health insurance exchange (or off the exchange).

Even if you don’t qualify for subsidies, there may be other options available that could save you money on Obamacare plans.

How much can I get in health insurance subsidies?

The size of the tax credit you receive is based on your income. The more you make, the smaller your tax credit is.

If you want to know how much money in subsidies you can get as a family, use this calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation: Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator. You'll need to know all of your household's income and how much it spends on health insurance each month (you can estimate this by looking at recent bills). This calculator will tell you what size of subsidy would be available to someone with those characteristics, who lives in that state and county, and whose employer doesn't offer coverage through its plan or an outside exchange program like COBRA or another option called Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). The calculator does not account for any other personal circumstances though, so be prepared for some guesswork if anything else comes into play when considering any outcome from an application form or website page!

How do I qualify for a health insurance subsidy?

To qualify for a health insurance subsidy, you must meet certain income requirements. You must have purchased coverage through an ACA-compliant exchange. You cannot be eligible for Medicaid or other types of public coverage programs. Additionally, you must be a US citizen or legal resident and not incarcerated.

Can I apply for a health insurance subsidy online?

If you're applying through the health exchange, you can apply for a subsidy online. If you are not using the exchange to enroll, your application may be rejected if you try to submit it without an agent or someone who works with the government. You may have to file an appeal if this happens and it could take months before your decision is made.

It's always best to talk with someone who can help walk you through the process of applying for insurance subsidies and finding affordable plans that meet your needs. It might be difficult for some people to figure out how much they qualify for on their own because there are so many factors involved - including household size, income levels, and even where in the country they live (many states offer higher subsidies). eHealth makes it easy by providing tools that let members compare rates across multiple plans from different providers at once so they can find one that fits their budget while still offering excellent coverage options like prescription drugs or dental care (or both!).

You might qualify for a health insurance tax credit

You might qualify for a health insurance tax credit. These subsidies are offered to qualifying individuals and families to help offset the cost of their health insurance premiums. You can qualify if you're an individual who makes up to $48,560 per year, or if you're a family of four or more making up to $97,200 annually.

You can check your eligibility for a subsidy on healthcare.gov by entering your zip code, age, and other personal details into an online form; it will show you whether or not your income qualifies and what percentage of the premium costs they'll cover:

If eligible, the federal government will pay all or part of your monthly payments toward employer-sponsored coverage through its SHOP small business marketplace (small businesses with 50 employees or fewer). Or in some cases, they may contribute funds directly toward private plans purchased through state exchanges like Covered California and New York State of Health (NYSOH), which is why some people refer to these benefits as "tax credits."

To receive this subsidy, you must purchase health insurance through your state's exchange (or the SHOP marketplace if you're a small business owner). The amount of the subsidy is based on several factors, including household income, family size, and the cost of coverage in your area.

If you do not purchase insurance through an exchange, you will not be eligible for the subsidy. And if you're currently enrolled in Medicaid or another public health insurance program, you also won't qualify.

You can learn more about how to qualify and apply for a health insurance subsidy by visiting healthcare.gov or your state's exchange website.


To qualify for a health insurance subsidy, you must meet certain income requirements and purchase coverage through an ACA-compliant exchange. You cannot be eligible for Medicaid or other types of public coverage programs. Additionally, you must be a US citizen or legal resident and not incarcerated. You can apply for a subsidy online if you're enrolling in an exchange plan. Otherwise, you may need to work with an agent or navigator to complete your application. Triton Health Plans can help you find an affordable ACA-compliant plan that meets your needs and budget. Get started by comparing plans today!


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